BLEACH NANA NARUTO NARUTO Jutsu ONEPIECE SLAM DUNK two mighty rivals "cool anime song coney Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Sailor Moon Sword Art Online Diamonds don't shatter. chopper nickel shark (Carcharhinus dussumieri, species of requiem shark) basketball John Dory (Zeus faber) hero aka homunculus pocket monster (internationally popular cartoon series, originally a video game) Japanese spirea (Spiraea Japonica) Levi. dress Erino Nakano My Hero Academia 名探偵コナン magic square (game) HANSUKE DOI 妄想 spirit of someone on the first O-Bon after their death devil's fruit impressions Mobile Suit Gundam Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM Shonboku era, Shonan era (1711.4.25-1716.6.22) man who has a wonderful personality Izuhisa Midoriya consideration explanation Attack on Titan silver spirit Fullmetal Alchemist 青山剛昌 scorched-earth sword attraction