That famous scene between Noland and Calgara in the Sky Island version!

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For those who love One Piece

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In this article.A scene from the past recollections of the Sky Island ArcThe following is a discussion of the following topics!

Let's move on to the famous scene of this year's event!

We hope you will enjoy the anime and comics with us!

"...give me an answer ...... what did I just ...... kill... a snake."

(Comics vol. 31, no. 289)

Chiefs are flexible

First of all, I'll start with me.My favorite chandia is the chief.I'm laughing (not Calgara or Noland!!!!).

The chiefs were notI don't even have the power to hear God's voice: .........!!! But I can at least hear the words of those who are trying."

He left a good word for it.Flexible type even in old ageThe grandfather of the

I like it ^^.pantryMr. Kato is not good at all. I hope you can learn a little from him.

Calgara and Noland values

The conflict between Calgara and Noland isDifferences in valuesThis is happening due to the

The most important thing for Kalgala and her friends in Chandia isGod and commandments, not human life.The following is a list of the most common problems with the

The spirit that this is more important than anything else is emphasized and depicted again and again.

Ultimately, though, they kill the God they have always believed in and break his commandments,I don't care about that.We decided it was important to save the village.

from the startThe purpose of the ritual is to save the village.and not the ritual itself or belief in God.mere meansNoland's desperate appeals led him to accept that there was a better way. And through Noland's desperate pleas, they accepted that there was a better way.

This place is cool!

Standing on top of a dead oak god, with the setting sun in the background.

willow tit (Parus montanus)"...give me the answer to ...... what I just ...... killed..."


is just too cool!

And next Calgara's tears and Noland'sConvinced "we can save them."I am also impressed...!

Moose's true feelings

In the village, the scene depicts Moose and Calgara tearfully embracing each other.

Moose was one of those who followed the commandments even though he really did not want to die.

I hate it in my heart.but to be sacrificed.Happy."He said it was.

Values set by someone else.It seems to me that you are telling yourself that the

I too dislike traditions that have no meaning to do, but sometimes I suddenly realize that I am acting on values determined by others.

And in such cases, it usually is,Fear of changeI think, "I've been able to do it this way so far," or, "Everyone else is doing it this way."

We have to be careful...!

The chief is excellent.

chieftainand ... andceto, ,mooseI feel that shortly before that, the three people in the "Mere Old Man" began to question whether their values were really right...

Seto and Mousse, Noland said, "arehuman progressBy "Saved my life.The following is a list of the most common problems with the

Therefore, rethink what is really right and listen to what Noland has to say,possibilityWe are finding

Mr. Chief is excellent.Therefore, I heard the voice of a hardworking person saying, "They are going to save our village, there is no harm in waiting until tomorrow,We never lose sight of what is important.It was!

Our Chief, indeed!


Thank you for taking the time to read this far!

See you next time!