It is an MS and a tank

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For those who love Mobile Suit Gundam

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RX-75 "Gun Tank"

This aircraft was designed and manufactured during the well-known "V" mission, which marked the dawn of the Earth Federation Forces' MS.

Yes, no matter how much it has infinite orbit and its body looks like a tank, no matter what anyone says, this baby is an MS!
This is because Operation V is a plan to develop and deploy new types of space vessels based on the premise of "mobile suit development" and "mobile suit operation" in order to turn around the Earth Federation Forces' space strategy, which had lagged behind the Principality of Zeon's forces...

Yes, they plan to develop "mobile suits."

In other words, all aircraft built in Operation V are MSs, even if they look like tanks or MAs.

Hence, the gun tank is also an MS!

The logic has thus far been that...

But something has come along that turns that on its head in a big way.

RTX-65 Gun Tank Early Type

Yes, it is this aircraft.

This aircraft is a machine that appears in Mobile Suit Gundam - THE ORIGIN - and what a classification for this machine!Main Battle TankThe first is.

Yes, it is the same "vehicle" classification as that Type 61 tank.


And THE ORIGIN version of the gun tank, this baby is also a mainstay tank in its classification.

Was the GUN TANK the main tank after all?

It's true that they've also been treated as vehicles before, like the GUN TANK II, which is considered an armored fighting vehicle.

Incidentally, Gun Tank III, the successor to Gun Tank II, is also treated as an MS.

The Gun Tank III is a reinforced and improved version of the Gun Tank II, but its classification has changed from vehicle back to MS...

Which is it in the end?

Well, in conclusion, I think this Gun Tank should be the main tank on the ground (land including colonies). And in outer space, it should be an MS.

Can't we just create a new category, like a half-human mobile armored fighting vehicle?