An episode of a parody that aired on Gintama with the original cast of the original family.

With love."
For those of you who are into Gintama

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Gintama features various parodies in its works.

The parody was so overdone that the producer had to go to the place where the original material was kept to bow down and the producer was forced to write a letter of apology, which was nakedly exposed by the members of the banjo-ya.

It's like Gintama, though, that even when they are sorry, they still do it...

Such is the case with Gintama, and there are stories of its original cast appearing in parody episodes.

Episodes featuring people from the original family

There are several episodes, and I will explain the order in which they aired and the cast members.

Anime Episode 109: "Life is a Test."

In the original story, though, the lesson 173 "Life is a test,The depiction of Captain Dragon and Fat Gon, who appeared in the second half of the film, is an original anime performance.It was.

Viewers who are Jackie fans may have been excited by the parody of the "Project" series featuring Mr. Jackie Chain that appeared in places and the NG scene at the ending.

Captain Dragon, who played the role,Hiroya Ishimaru, Jackie Chain's authorized dubbing voice actor., ,Yutaka Mizushima who dubbed Deb Gong as Mr. Samo Han Khinpo.was in charge of the project.

I can see them acting as if they were enjoying themselves, as if they were reminiscing about their post-recording days in the "Project" series.

Anime 189A: "It's better to do what you can do this year by the end of this year, but the promise of the end of the year is that you'll put it off until next year.

This episode was depicted as an anime original and the second (unofficial) commemorative piece for the 30th anniversary of Mobile Suit Gundam.

The story begins with a newspaper reporter, Furukawa, traveling to the countryside to meet a man named Nagai, who was a military reporter and is now retired, about a legendary warrior who served in the Exclusionist War.

Various stories are told about the heroism of the Exclusionists and their whole story and history, which is not told on the front page of history, and the "Gundam" was mentioned there.

Ichiro Nagai, who has narrated and played many roles in Mobile Suit Gundam, including Degin, Sod, and Zabi, played the role of Nagai, a retired reporter, in this performance, as well.Toshio Furukawa, who played Kai Siden in Mobile Suit Gundamplayed the role of Furukawa, the reporter who was the star of this episode.

I can imagine Ms. Nagai and Mr. Furukawa enjoying themselves during the post recording at this time.

Gundam! The exchange between the reporter Nagai and Furukawa was hilarious.


Speaking of Gintama, I have the impression that it has been the subject of a lot of anger due to various parodies and such.

Only Gintama could have the outrageousness to take the original cast of the original story and have them appear in that episode!

As one of the 20th anniversary projects of Gintama, an anime adaptation of "3 years Z class Ginpachi sensei" has been decided.

So, I personally think it would be interesting if the original cast members of the popular anime and other works parodying them, but also if the original cast members of the original works made guest appearances.

Please read this article and watch the episodes I have given you to recharge your energy!

Thank you for your patience to the end.