Zuda is the MS that lost the conspiracy?

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For those who love Mobile Suit Gundam

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Zuda, an MS said to have been defeated by a geonic conspiracy.

Before the outbreak of the One Year War, there was a new weapon, a mobile suit, developed by the Principality of Zeon to overthrow the Earth Federation. The mobile suit was prototyped in competition between two companies.

One is the Zaku I, which followed the mobile suits that supported the successful advance of the Principality of Zeon at the beginning of the One Year War, and the other is the Zuda.

Two companies

Two of the most famous mobile suit manufacturers in the Principality of Zeon are Geonic and Zimat.

These two companies competed for the position of Zeon's main mobile suit, and each produced prototypes using the technology they possessed.

Zuda's defeat

In the main mobile suits, the Zaku I won.

In fact, the Zuda has various flaws, the most obvious of which is its tendency to self-destruct at full output.

However, even the victorious Zaku I had various problems.

The bottom line was that it was completely underperforming compared to Zuda.

Nevertheless, the Zaku I was adopted, which led some circles to say that the Zaku I was adopted due to a Zionic conspiracy.

Lost on politics, not performance?

I believe that Zimat itself, rather than Zuda, has lost politically to Geonic.

If it actually explodes when the output is fully opened, it can be solved by simply adding a limiter, and finally, Zaku I was also produced with a modification to expose the power pipe, which is not safe to put outside. In the end, Zaku I was produced with a modification to expose the power pipe, which is not safe to put outside.

It is true that the cost of the Zuda is higher, but there are many ways to address this point, such as introducing only a small number of ace pilot aircraft. However, when this was not possible, the Zimat company tried to win the position of mainstay aircraft on the basis of performance alone, and although it was a clean company, it must be said that it was defeated by politics.