[Pokemon] Exploring the charms of the new heroine, Riko!

with love

For those who love Pokemon

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Riko, the heroine of the new Pokemon series, is so cute!

Although I thought she was a quiet girl, she is actually very outspoken and has a strong will of her own.

We'll introduce you to some of the cutest points of this charming Rico!


I love how hard Rico-tan works⭐︎

Who is the new heroine, Riko-chan?

In the new series, Riko is about to enroll in Sekiei Academy and meets Meowha when she is choosing a partner Pokémon.

He is then attacked by a mysterious group and joins the Rising Volt Tackle, continuing his journey.

Recently, you have been training in Terrastaal with Dot and Roy at the Terrastaal training course.

I had trouble expressing my thoughts clearly, which led to misunderstandings between me and my partner Nyaoha, but now we've become the best of partners!

She's not just cute, she's also a strong-willed, cool girl!

It was a cute scene!

There are many cute scenes featuring Rico-chan, but the one I recommend is the Gurumin scene!

It turns out that Gurumin is a popular streamer and is actually one of his friends, Dot, but he seemed really happy when his message was read by his favorite Gurumin, and was blushing but excited at the same time.

It was very heartwarming, similar to the reaction you would get when receiving fan service from an idol.

I will continue to support you!

Riko's adventure continues! Meowha has evolved into Nyarote and learned Terrasta, so many challenges await her.

But Rico will be fine! I believe she will be able to overcome any difficulties together with her friends!

Good luck, Rico-chan!!