Aren't Gojo Sensei and Nanami Sensei the best?

with love
For those who love Jujutsu Kaisen

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One of the charms of Jujutsu Kaisen is the large number of attractive characters.
Such characters,If I were a school teacher...The following is a list of the most common problems with the
There's no doubt that this will be a popular school with a flood of applicants!
This is something we can only imagine! This timeTokyo school adultsI tried to focus on this!

Speaking of school teachers...

There are many different types of teachers in schools: subject teachers, class teachers, club advisors, and administrative staff.
First, let's imagine what kind of teacher would be in charge of the subject!

Subject Instructor

Personally, I have the impression that teachers in charge of certain subjects have a strong love for their subjects and that in real life they tend to be quite unique.


Teachers with unique personalities are the best!

Subject: Japanese and Classics, Mr. Nanami

In the story, Nanami is so busy with work that she doesn't even have time to read a book...
Even though he knew he couldn't read, he collected books, so I want him to enjoy the world of words to his heart's content.
Nanami-sensei usually teaches her classes calmly.However, at the request of the students"If you get the highest ranking in your class on the quiz, Nanami-sensei will read you a story of your choice (must be one that is or was once in your elementary to high school textbooks)."They responded to my unreasonable request.
Although he is calm, he is also sensitive to the words of his students.Nanami Sensei listens carefully and answers sincerelyThe following is a list of the most common problems with the
It would be interesting if, in order to gain the right to have Nanami-sensei read aloud, the average score for Japanese and Classics in the class that Nanami is in charge of is 90 points.

The writer of the heart

I'm sure I'll be sobbing when I hear "Gon the Fox" read out loud in Nanami's calm voice! I'll just have to do my best!

The writer of the heart

Gojo-sensei seems to be the complete opposite, while Nanami-sensei gives a cold response when confronted in the hallway - it's absolutely hilarious

Subject: Science - Mr. Gojo

Throughout the story, Gojo Sensei uses logical thinking to improve the accuracy of his magical powers.
I think science would suit him because he has both logical thinking and curiosity.
The teacher's classes consisted of explaining theories from the textbook and then verifying them through actual experiments.It's fun when it's a practical format.
Classes outside of the lab are held a few times throughout the year.

Most of the classes are conducted in a lab, which is good. The classes themselves are very easy to understand.
Knows all the students in the schoolSo, if you pass someone who looks like they're having a good time but is not feeling well,

"●●, you're not feeling well, go to the nurse's office."

One of the great things about Gojo Sensei is that he always pays attention to his surroundings!
It would be interesting if the gender of the students didn't matter, and the older students, teachers, and even the person who comes by occasionally to restock the vending machines were all recognized.
I also occasionally teach outside.If I find Professor Geto, it's fun to jump out the window during class and ask him about something I don't understand.

According to Geto Sensei, "Satoru always turns down invitations to become an Olympic athlete."I don't know if it's true, but all the students and teachers except for Geto said,That's not the point (it would be strange to jump from the third floor and then start running)."
By the way, Gojo SenseiAlways in the labdeath,He causes an explosion in the lab once a week, causing trouble for the office worker, Ijichi-san.

Ijichi said,"The cost of the experiment is several dozen times higher than usual, and the lab explodes once a week, so it's difficult to deal with..."He said.

The writer of the heart

Ijichi-san, who is constantly being pushed around by Gojo-sensei in every world match, keep up the great work.


It's getting long and it's just Gojo-sensei and Nanami-sensei. I'm dreaming about Gojo-sensei and Nanami-sensei...! I'd love to pass them in the school hallway!

Please note that all of this is just my imagination. I welcome any disagreements!