We look at Goken Akagi, a.k.a. "Gori." ‼️[SLAM DUNK

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SLAM DUNK], which began serialization in October 1990.
It's been more than 30 years - the reason it doesn't seem that long ago is because of the excitement of basketball, including the movie, and as a SLAM DUNK fan, I'm happy to see it.

I want to see Japan's team compete in the Olympics. I started playing basketball after reading Slam Dunk. I'll cry ......... if these kids grow up and do it.

The author, Mr. Takehiko Inoue, wrote this comment on the cover flap of the 9th volume of the book, which was released 31 years ago.

I think it is fresh in our minds that the Japanese national basketball team got a ticket to the Paris Olympics and this comment became the talk of the town.

Yuta Watanabe, a member of Japan's national team, loved SLAM DUNK so much that he read it so many times he could say the lines...

Captain Goken Akagi is an indispensable member of SLAM DUNK's Shohoku High School basketball team.

You were surprised when you learned that Hanamichi is brother and sister to Akagi's sister, Haruko, whom you have feelings for.
No wonder Hanamichi is suspicious.Because they don't look alike: ‼️

In this issue.We focus on Gori, Goken Akagi, and what kind of person he is.I would like to explore this.

Table of Contents

[Goken Akagi]

Goken Akagi, captain of the Shohoku High School basketball team [Goken Akagi] has been a basketball player since elementary school.It seems to be.
He has excellent grades in spite of his appearance. She also hates to be bent and likes to be pretty.

Although he was a nationally ranked player, he was not blessed with good teammates and repeatedly lost in the Kanagawa prefectural qualifying rounds.
such (about the actions of the listener, or about ideas expressed or understood by the listener)Akagi's goal is to win the national championship: ‼️

Although his stoicism made him anathema to his teammates, his unwavering faith and commitment to basketball allowed him to make it to the national stage for the first time.

It was only because of Akagi, the mainstay of the team, that an ordinary team was able to make it this far.

Summarizing the Shohoku High School basketball team, which has many problematic players right off the bat.Captain [Goken AkagiLet's take a closer look at [the].


  • Position: C (Center)
  • Number: 4
  • Grade: 3rd grade
  • Height: 197cm
  • Birthday: 5/10
  • Nickname: Gori Danna

C (Center) is the position that plays closest to the goal to score insideIt is.

It is important to get as many rebounds as possible, so many players are tall and strong. The ability to screen out properly will determine whether you win or lose.

It is also called the mainstay of the team. It is the perfect position for Gori.

What is screen-out?

It is to use your body (your back) as a wall to prevent the opponent from getting the rebound and to get in a position where you can easily get the rebound. You taught this to Hanamichi.

Hanamichi calls him "Gori" and Lyota "Danna.
In the past, Nagarekawa has been described as almost saying "Gori" and Haruko as repeatedly saying "Gori" and being happy about it. Haruko is so happy that she forgets herself.

Siblings from middle school

Gori and Haruko come from different middle schools.

Gori is in Kitamura Junior High School like Kigure, but Haruko is in Yonchu.
Only the author, Dr. Inoue, knows why, but we are curious.

I believe I may have moved out.

Ever since freshman year.

This is the scene where he tells his friends his feelings before the match against Kainan, the Kanagawa No. 1 champion.

I always imagined this day before I went to bed... Shohoku... fighting the Kanagawa champion, Kainan University, for the IH championship every night.

Ever since freshman year.

You can sense Akagi's strong desire to fight Kainan, a day he has been waiting for for a long time.

Akagi, who has been focused on winning since his freshman year and has worked hard to become stronger no matter what his seniors say, is blessed with teammates and is happy to be standing in this place for the first time.

Just taping!

I don't care if my bones break... I don't care if I can't walk...! This is the chance I finally got...!

It was a remark he made to Ayako, who was with Akagi to patch him up after he stepped on an opposing player's foot and sprained it after a rebound against Kainan, and left the court.

Just taping!

It shows Akagi's strong determination to get back on the court and fight to the end ‼️. He cannot waste the chance to get his dream ticket to the national stage here and now.

Don't let your guard down for even a second!

Shohoku took the lead in the second half of the Toyotama game, and Minami and his teammates, who were getting impatient as the score began to open up, met again with their mentor Kitano, and their faces changed in the game that followed.

The Shohoku team is thinking they have won, but Akagi is there to blackmail them.

Listen up!Don't let your guard down for even a second!

It is a national convention. You never know what will happen.
I think they must have reassured themselves to stay strong until the end of the match.

I can't stop shaking.

The night before the first IH game against Toyotama, I said to Mitsui and Kogure, who were in the same room.

I can't stop shaking.

While approaching the dream of winning the national championship, I am sure there were many thoughts and feelings, and while I am sure they were scared, I am sure they were also happy.

Kogure's presence

Akagi and Kigure are both on the basketball team.

While the members of the club, who were stoic about basketball and wanted to have fun, were leaving, Kogure was the one who sympathized with Akagi's desire to win and spent time with him until the end.

"Shohoku's famous candy and whip."and I think the good balance of Kigure who follows up on Akagi who cautions is one of the good points of the Shohoku basketball team.

I believe that Akagi is where he is today because of Kogure, who continued to pursue the same dream and fight together with him.

For Akagi, Kogure is a comrade, a friend, and an indispensable teammate.

Takenaka Senpai (film)

🎵No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Hi~tori (Panpan) Botchi (Panpan) Hi~tori (Panpan) Botchi (Panpan)...

The scene is about Takenaka, a senior student with a shaggy head and an annoying attitude, who appears in Akagi's consciousness when he collapses with the music with the lyrics "I'm a good person, but I'm not a good person. If you have seen the movie, this is a scene that will stay in your mind.

Akagi is stoic about basketball, so he does not get along with Takenaka, who wants to have fun playing basketball, and says that Akagi's dictatorship will begin after his retirement, and that no one will follow you...

I open my eyes, thinking I can just close them now, and there are four people peering into Akagi.

When you are not alone, when you have friends who are fighting for the same dream with you...
I felt that what Akagi had done up to this point had been proven to be a mistake.

The scene where he looks at Gori with concern and holds out his hand to wake her up was also impressive. Gori is lucky to have found good friends. I'm glad you've worked so hard. ‼️

Summary: Goken Akagi, a.k.a. "Gori

In this issue, we focus on Gori, or Goken Akagi, to get a closer look at his personality.

Akagi hates crookedness, and often clashes with others because he is too sincere about basketball,Strength to not bend on one's beliefsThere are

Akagi is surrounded by friends who fight alongside him and whom he can safely entrust to do everything without having to do it himself.

I think the fact that I was able to fight against a number of strong opponents under the pressure of being captain was due in large part to the fact that I met the best of my friends.

The scenes with Hanamichi are often funny and amusing, so you can see a different side to the stoic Akagi who loves basketball.

Akagi is everyone's go-to guy. Without Akagi, the Shohoku team would not be what it is today.
such (about the actions of the listener, or about ideas expressed or understood by the listener)Akagi is still a mainstay of the team. ‼️

This team... is the best...