Thoughts on the movie "The Bride of the Fifth Estate" ^^^ [The Bride of the Fifth Estate].


Bride of the Fifth EstateFor those of you who like to

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This time, the movieThe Bride of the Fifth Class.This is an article about my impressions of the

At the time I watched it in cartoon form, I saw it as just a romantic comedy, but in the moviecrying aloudThe following is a list of the most common problems with the

Please take a look at this summary of what I felt and what I found interesting ^^.

Please note that the following contains spoilers.

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Table of Contents


the characters (in a play or novel)

  • Futaro Uesugi
  • Kazuka Nakano (eldest daughter)
  • Futano Nakano (second daughter)
  • Miyu Nakano (third daughter)
  • Yotsuba Nakano (fourth daughter)
  • May Nakano (5th daughter)

As you can see, the Nakano familyfive siblingsand what!quintupletsIt is.

It is not easy to meet quintuplets in the real world.


At the beginning of the story, the main character is at a wedding with someone else.Futaro UesugiThe following is a list of the most common problems with the

Since all five of them had already stated in the main anime that they liked Futaro

Only one of them will be chosen...Mixed feelings of anticipation and sadnessIt was.

The setting is a school festival.

As this was the last cultural festival of his student life, both Futaro and all five children were in high spirits.

Cooperating and struggling with classmates during preparation...dazzling youth! I'm already full ^p^.

Using this cultural festival, Futaro tries to select one of the five students.

Rather than trying to choose,I've already made up my mind, and I'll tell you that at the timing of the festival.I wondered if he had been doing this as a I thought so.

And,If you spent the last night of the festival with each characterWe will see to it that the

In this context, I was not informedMother's deathIt could be about,real (own) fatherThe story continues with the appearance of

Finally, at the appointed time.

Futaro had called the five students to their respective classrooms in advance.

The child who was where Futaro was headed was the one he chose.

The girls have developed such a close relationship with each other that it's not surprising that anyone would be chosen.

Who on earth will be chosen?

Why not polygamy at all? Everyone should be happy T_T

Who did Futaro choose?

right onNakano YotsubaIt is.

It's the fourth girl, the one with the ribbon-like catsuit on her head.

She is full of energy among the quintuplets! She has a bright and open personality.

But because they are too good to be trueA personality that cannot say no when asked to do so.The following is a list of the most common problems with the

I was impressed by the scene in the film where he was running around to various places as a help staff at the festival.

And trying too hard.overcapacityI did,He collapsed and was sent to the hospital.The result will be a

Why on earth would they choose Yotsuba?

Yotsuba and Futaro's Bond

Events in the past

Actually, Yotsuba and Futaro areWe met before I was in high school.The following is a list of the most common problems with the

It was on a school excursion when I was in elementary school.

Yotsuba was working with her sisters, but she got lost and was left alone.

Fūtaro, who was also on a school excursion, was also separated from his surroundings and was alone.

Where we were both alone, we met for the first time.

Then they get their act together, where they make a single promise.

It is,Let's both study hard, get a good paying job, and work hard for the sake of our respective loved ones.This was the case.

Pure and innocent, but it was a big dream for the two of us at the time.

Reunited in high school

Months passed, and the two were reunited in high school.

In the beginning, all the sisters except Yotsuba disliked Futaro, but only Yotsuba seemed to like him from the beginning.

That's because you realized that he was a boy who had made promises to you in the past.

Why did you choose Yotsuba?

I will include a discussion of why the partner I chose was Yotsuba.

(1) Because we made a promise in the past.

The promise made in elementary school had a significant impact on Futaro's life thereafter.

It seems that it was because of this promise that he had worked so hard on his studies and achieved good grades by then.

I guess I am also grateful for the influence they have had on my life.

I knew I couldn't leave her alone.

Yotsuba is bright and has a personality that puts a good face on everyone.

I can't leave Yotsuba like that. I have to protect her.

Isn't that what you thought?

(iii) Because his face was my type.

Among the quintupletsSimple face type.Was it?

But the quintuplets have almost identical faces.It is so hard to tell them apart when they are in disguise.

Therefore, the possibility of selecting only by face seems to be as close to zero as possible.

Overall Impression

Overall impression,completely satisfiedIt was.

Each of the five children have their own feelings for Futaro, and Futaro's feelings for the five children.

Not only that, but also the love of my mother, who raised me with her own hands. My father, who raised me with deep affection even though we are not related by blood.

I was continually moved by each story,I don't know how many times I shed tears.The following is a list of the most common problems with the

My own father was quite a dick, though. (laughter)

However, if I knew that I had actually given birth to quintuplets, I would be at least a little shocked, wouldn't I?

And the last scene.

Even if it was for a production, don't let anyone but the bride wear the wedding dress!

Don't hug the groom in front of the bride, Sanku! Don't argue amicably, Mayuki!

I went into it, lol.

Who in the world am I supposed to support?

And then we get to this impression. (laughs)

Because they are all cute and I want to support their respective healthy thoughts.

After each graduation

(1) One flower

Ichibana is,I have been performing since I was a student.

as it is (i.e. now)Continue performingIt seems that the face of the company is gradually becoming wider and wider.

Futano and Sanku

It appears that they both then attended culinary school.

The two opened a store together.

Ichibana asks, "Do you want me to advertise for you?" I asked.Now we just want to do the best we can on our own."And.

I was struck by the sisters, who were as enthusiastic about their efforts as ever.

(c) May

May was a student.I want to be a teacher like my mother."I had a dream.

And make that dream come true,I work as a teacher.It seems to be.

Great job to all of you for realizing your respective goals...! I admire you.

Both selected and not so selected children.

In fact, my guess is that even before the movie was releasedIt was Yotsuba. (laughter)

So it's a happy ending with a happy guess.

However, the other sisters who were not selected cannot be discarded.

All of their respective feelings for Futaro were very serious,

On the day of the weddingFutano shedding tears at being able to recognize her own figure.See,I couldn't stop crying in front of the screen either.

Please...! Please make them all happy..! If you don't, I won't get my reward.


How was it?

I was full of emotion, amusement, and a mixture of emotions.

I would love to read the original and get sentimental again about this.

If you have seen it once, please take this opportunity to look it over ^^.

If you have not seen it yet, please start with the animation!

You will be swept away by the personalities of the five children, and you will surely become addicted to the swamp.

May you find a good piece of handsome work.