What is the appeal of the legendary manga [Ushio-Tora]? An in-depth explanation: ‼️

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[Ushiooto Tora]For those of you who like

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two mighty rivalsDid you know?
This boys' manga by Fujita Kazuhiro was serialized from 1990 to 1996.
It's a total of 33 volumes (plus one extra book).

It has also been made into an anime, so even if you haven't read the manga, you may have seen the anime.

In this issue, we would like to explore the charms of Ushio and Tora.If you read this, you will definitely want to see [Ushio-Tora]!

Table of Contents

What is Ushiooto Tora?

In the basement of my house.crucifixioncrucifixionSpecters that were made into[Tora Tora]and the boy who wields the beast's spear【【azure-winged magpie (Cyanopica cyana)bluish tide]has sought out his own mother and has kept her sealed up for many years.【【sobernessface without makeupA person of]The story is about defeating the

The story is about a group of yokai who are enemies at first, but then join hands and work together to face their enemies, and the characters in the story are loved by many.

The work story here is irresistible!
There are sad scenes, of course. But at the same time, there are also heartwarming scenes.
The emotions of the characters are also properly portrayed, making the work more enjoyable.
Mr. Fujita also skillfully describes encounters and partings, which I also recommend.

Introduction of Characters

I would like to draw your attention to these two people. There is no Ushio, the main character. Sorry, Ushio... by the way.Ushio is an honest boy who hates lies.It is. (← Right? Right?)

  1. tiger (Panthera tigris)Chouhei Maru (Western-style Japanese frigate, launched in 1853)become long and jumpy)
    A yokai that possesses and works with Ushio in order to eat himIt is. It used to be called Choubimaru, but because of its tiger pattern, it was easily turned into Ushio."Tora."I thought it was just like that, but now I think it's a good name because it's easy to call and friendly. I thought it was just like that, but now I think it is a good name because it is easy to call and friendly.
    Tara does not eat Ushio and humans and has saved him many times. They say many things, but in the end they love Ushio.
    I love Tora, she is strong, kind and brave. There are a lot of people who can relate to me, right?
    Torah is my guess: ❤️
  2. prostitute
    Ushio's classmate who loves Tora and to whom Torahamburger (on a bun)He was the first person to give the first
    And he is also a child who has been called by names other than Ushio by humans. I am so envious that Tora remembers my name and calls me by it. I wanted to be Mayuko...

Recommended Scenes

Of course, there are quotes. There are many of them, but I will introduce only a few this time.

I've already eaten. I'm full.

I'm crying even as I write this.

When Ushio, Tora and the others defeat the white masked one and Tora is about to disappear, Ushio shouts to Tora, "He hasn't eaten me yet! This is Tora's response to the scene in which he shouts to Tora, "You haven't eaten me yet!

Tora had been possessing Ushio with the intention of eating him, but she knew he had no intention of eating her from the beginning, and she also knew he loved Ushio...
Many people must have cried at the words of such tara: ‼️

I think Tora's message is that she learned important things from the long days she spent with Ushio and made important friends, and that she spent a very happy time that filled her heart to the brim.

This scene is always sad and painful to watch, but it is my favorite scene.
I think this is one of the scenes that shows Tora's personality.

I swear to you.

Mayuko, saved by Tora, puts on a wedding dress and begins to imitate a wedding ceremony and asks, "Do you pledge to love me?" when she asks Tora, "Do you promise to love me?The response of the

Here, Mayuko was called Mayuko by name for the first time, and Mayuko became very fond of Tora.

No, not me and ‼️ Mayuko, but me and...I thought ‼️ I'm coming through (laughs)!

Tora is a wonderful person (yokai) who understands the human heart.

Abhayo, Bakkemon.

Ushio's words to Tora, who had killed Akiba Nagaru, whom Ushio adored.It is. I think it would be better to say that it has left a lasting impression on me rather than that it is a great scene.

This scene is already a heartbreaking ‼️ one word (crying)

It is wrong to blame Ushio for not knowing what was going on, but it was his words of farewell to Tora, so they carried a lot of weight. There is a description of a hole in Tora's chest... Sometimes a person's words can be a deadly weapon, can't they?

I am sure Torah would not have told me if I had asked her why, and it was heartbreaking to see Torah think about the other person and make herself the bad guy.

Ushio's anger overflows as he calls her a monster, and the scene was so painful that we know what Tora was feeling at that moment...

Summary [Why we recommend it].

There are many reasons why we recommend Ushio and Torah. The biggest of them are still the followingThe personalities and stories of the charactersI think it is.

Manga that are always interesting and enjoyable are attractive in their own right, but those that move you to tears sometimes draw you into their world, and the weight of each character's words makes it easier to empathize with them and enjoy them even more.

And there are many other unique and wonderful friends in this work, as well as countless unforgettable scenes.

Please take a look at [Ushiooto Tora], which is full of such highlights.
And let's talk about it!

Please share your own recommendations for scenes with me.

【【I wish for more [Ushio-Tora] lovers... ❤️