The sinful man who created a new genre of cool natural, Todoroki Jotetsu, is also known as [My Hero Academia].

with love

For those who love My Hero Academia and Todoroki Jotetsu

*This article contains spoilers. If you have not seen the latest episode of the anime, please be warned.

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My Hero Academia, also known as Hero Academiahas characters that have strongly influenced other works.

That person is one of the best looking guys in the class,roaring frostIt is.

Today, Todoroki-kun is cool but has a natural, pouty air about him, but in the beginning, he was a completely different person.

In this article, I would like to talk about Todoroki Jotetsu-kun during those "early Roki" days.

A sad fighting machine created to fight against All Might, its name is Todoroki Jotetsu.

I think that in the beginning, Todoroki-kun often spoke in a condescending and snide manner.

In fact, Todoroki-kun himself has spent many days in battle training since he was a child, and he was trained to use his individuality effectively and more strongly. This has probably caused some adverse effects.

I have no friends.

As a young child, Todoroki was envious of his brothers and sisters playing happily in the courtyard.

But it was my father Todoroki Enji (hero name Endeavor) who wouldn't allow it.

I don't think Mr. Endeavor will allow me to make friends at school since even with my siblings I am in such a state.

So, Todoroki's first friend isIzuhisa MidoriyaI think you are the one who is the best.

No concern for others.

In the early Roki period, the word "consideration" itself does not exist.

When school had just started, Todoroki-kun was very cold and showed no mercy to anyone.

But when Todoroki-kun was a child, he never got angry when his mother poured boiling water on him, but instead defended her by saying, "It's your father's fault.

As you can see from this episode, the early Roki period came as a result of being dominated by anger toward my father and seeing nothing else.

Early Rokikuun, who was cold and unapproachable to everyone, was very popular among some people, who called him the Prince of Ice.

Although the initial Rokiku-kun was hard hit in many ways, Todoroki-kun at that time was really taking the high road of the cool rival position. No wonder he became so popular!

Why did Todoroki Jotetsu change?

What changed Todoroki-kun was the gymnastic festival.

The reason for his change was that he began to wonder if Midoriya-kun was Mr. All Might's illegitimate son.

The reason for this is that back when Todoroki-kun was 5 years old. It was a happy time when he was still living with his mother.

About Roaring Jaw Origins

From that time on, Todoroki-kun was already undergoing harsh combat training, and my father continued to scold him even when Todoroki-kun vomited.

Todoroki-kun, fed up with this situation, cries, "I don't want to be like my father," and clings to his mother.

But the mother knew. She knew that Todoroki-kun admired the hero Mr. All Might....

Mother, cold, gently stroking the head of Todoroki-kun, who gazes at the TV with a happy twinkle in his eye, and continues to gently pat his head.

Remembering this, he says to Todoroki-kun, who is crying.

He comforted me gently, "But you want to be a hero, don't you? It's okay, if you have a future that you feel strongly about," he comforted me gently.

Yes, for Todoroki-kun, the hero is not Mr. Endeavor but Mr. All Might.

All Mighty is filled with happy memories of the time he spent with his mother....

Strangely enough, the cartoons I watched as a child remain in my memory....

How did the Roaring Jaw change?

Because of this, Todoroki-kun finds the intimidation of "All Might" in the shadow of Midoriya-kun, whom he fought during the cavalry battle, and thinking that Midoriya-kun is Mr. All Might's illegitimate son or something, he declares war on him.

Rather than jealousy toward the person he admired, Todoroki-kun may have declared war on Midoriya-kun because he wanted to surpass him because he is All Might-san's illegitimate son. But maybe there was also a genuine wish to surpass him because he was close to the person he admired...? Either way, there seems to be a bit of mixed feelings.

The two then fight, but Todoroki-kun has an overwhelming advantage in the battle.

Todoroki-kun urges him to abstain, but even though he is still battered and bruised, Midoriya confronts him and also points out that there are disadvantages to Todoroki-kun's continued use of ice.

He urged them to confront such a situation and still fight as equals, "It's your power, isn't it! He scolded Todoroki, urging him to fight on an equal footing. At that moment, Todoroki must have seen the overlap between All Might and Midoriya, whom he had admired so much. That was the first time he used the flame.

In this battle, Todoroki-kun went to visit his mother in the hospital to redeem himself and put his past deeds behind him.

How has the Todoroki Joko changed?

Todoroki-kun recognized Midoriya-kun as a friend and the atmosphere itself softened.

Perhaps Todoroki-kun likes someone once, he likes them forever.

Personally, I like the kinder Todoroki-kun now, so I can only say thank you to Midoriya-kun for giving me the chance to change...!


Come to think of it, Endeavor's rounded personality and Todoroki-kun's gentle personality are similar, aren't they? I am sure that Todoroki-kun looks like his mother in appearance and his personality is like his father!

Conclusion: Both Todoroki Jotetsu-kuns are cool!

How was it?

Todoroki-kun has such a hard life that Midoriya-kun calls him the hero.

I'm glad he was able to get over that and take it gently enough!

Todoroki-kun, who was ruled by anger, was cool in his own way, but I was reminded that a happy Todoroki-kun is the best!

I hope you will continue to be happy and make more memories...!

You didn't have any friends until junior high school, didn't you?

See you next time!