What is the blue higanbana? Where did it end up? [Oni no Kai

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For those who love Oni-no-Baeki

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The "blue cluster amaryllis" is the ancestor of the demonsstreet with houses lined up only on purpose as decorationBuddhist image normally withheld from public viewtragedycold-bloodednesshas been searching for this plant for many years.

What kind of plant is the blue cluster amaryllis, which appeared only in lines several times in the work?

In this issue, I would like to delve deeper into the blue higanbana.

*This article contains spoilers up to the last episode, so please be careful if you are an anime fan.

Why does Mutsuko look for the blue cluster amaryllis?

The reason for Musho's obsession with the blue higanbana is an event that occurred during the Heian period when Musho was still a human being.

Born sickly and weak from birth, Musho was told he would not live to be twenty years old.

The good doctor who devoted himself to treating Mushashi used blue higanbana in the medicine he was giving her.

Angry at the lack of improvement in his condition, Musho kills the doctor, but as his condition improves, he realizes that he is no longer able to see the light of day and that his body has changed from a human to a demon.

Even after overcoming his illness, Musho, humiliated by the restrictions on his daytime activities, is committed to finding the blue cluster amaryllis.

However, no matter how hard he searched, Muhashi could not find the blue cluster amaryllis.

Why I couldn't find blue higanbana

The reason why Mushiro could not find the blue higanbana was because of the original story 205, "many months and yearsmany priestsis depicted in "The Life that Glitters the

Episode 205 is the final episode of the original story and is set in the present day, so the protagonist'sthe rear of an old-fashioned Japanese hearth from which smoke was exhaustedhearthcharcoal makersimpletonYou can imagine that this is about 100 years after the Taisho Era, when the "Mere Old Man" and his colleagues were active.

flathead (esp. the bartailed flathead, Platycephalus indicus)bridge pillaryellowtail amberjack (species of fish, Seriola lalandi)wild boarZui Ping, a botanist and great-grandson offresh leavesBluetooth (variety of short-range wireless LAN)is introduced as "studying the recently discovered blue higanbana, which blooms only two or three days of the year and only during the daytime.

In other words, it would have been impossible for Muhashi, whose daytime activities were restricted and who could only go out on his own at night, to search for the blue cluster amaryllis on his own.

Where were the blue higanbana?

So where exactly did the blue higanbana come from?

The answer to this question can be found in the official fan book, "Onikagitai Mihonroku, II.

Actually, Sumijiro took over.day (of the month)being disadvantageousThe ancestor of the breath ofone's successor countrysuccessor country(in Japan) 1st note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. D)craftinessIt was revealed that blue higanbana had bloomed on the ground where Uta, the wife of

The ancestors of Sumijiro and his family, the hearthcharcoal makerinkfish (Lepisma saccharina)was settled in an abandoned house where Enichi and Tota used to live, and that is how he got to know Enichi.

Sumiyoshi's descendants continued to live in the same area thereafter, which means they continued to live not far from Uta's grave.

In fact, Sumijiro's mother, thehollyhock(religious) conversionknew where the blue cluster amaryllis bloomed, and the young Sumijiro had been shown them.

Sumijiro was the only one of his siblings who was able to see the blue higanbana, which does not bloom every year and is only in bloom for a short time.

In the original episode 39, "Inside the Running Lantern," there is a scene in which Sumijiro's running lantern is depicted, and it is thought that the plant depicted in the scene may be a blue cluster amaryllis. Some people have speculated that the plant depicted in the scene may be the blue higanbana.

Could demons be resurrected in modern times?

As I mentioned earlier, it was the blue higanbana (cluster amaryllis) that made Musho become a demon.

Then, could it be that the possibility of the resurrection of demons was born in the modern age when the blue higanbana was discovered? We can think so, can't we?

In conclusion, the answer is no.

Aoba was shown bowing her head in an apologetic press conference after inadvertently killing all the blue higanbana flowers she had been studying by mistake.

With the extant blue higanbana wiped out, the possibility of new demons being created has been eliminated.


Muhashi buried the people of the Kamakamon family, including Aoieda, with his own hands.

Unintentionally, we have twice had our hands on someone who knew of the blue higanbana's existence.

In a sense, it could be said that the prosperity of the demons was prevented thanks to the short-tempered Musho.

Thank you for taking the time to read this to the end.


