Yuna, the diva, share with us the story that will continue to unfold...

with love
For those who love Sword Art Online

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Original movie characters

Yuna, the super cute and beautiful girl who first appeared in Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale the Movie, is actually an AI, and was supposed to have disappeared at the end of Ordinal Scale after returning a piece of memory obtained from a SAO survivor...

She was supposed to have vanished, but she rushed across the world to join Agee against War of the Underworld Vasago...

Agee shouts "I am Nautilus of the Knights of the Blood! and he changes his appearance to that pure white uniform by the power of his mind's will......too cool!

Age and Yuna

Age and Yuna are childhood friends, but Yuna loses her life in a death game...

In Ordinal Scale, Kirito fought to restore Asuna's memory with Age, who was working to resurrect that Yuna as an AI, but in Sword Art Online Arisimation War of the Underworld, they show up to help the trapped human world army...

The development of the movie's enemies becoming allies in the anime...isn't that hot?

Into the Future

Yuna, who appeared in Sword Art Online Arithmization War of Underworld and seemed to be the end of the story, but will appear again after this! Maybe.

The announcement about the future of "Yuna" was made on the official website the other day...

In this letter, there was a statement that "Yuna" would like to walk with "SAO" for the next 10 to 20 years without stopping, and that she would walk with "Yuna" in the continuing story of "SAO".

Maybe we will see Yuna moving again when the sequel Unital Ring is animated...?

It would be nice to see you give everyone a total buff again with that song!