SLAM DUNK] "Kaede Nagarekawa," a star player who hates to lose: ‼️

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Kaede Nagarekawa, a Shohoku member who cannot be left out when talking about Slam Dunk.
He's cool, not interested in girls at all, and all he thinks about is basketball, but in a good way."Basketball fool."is an indispensable part of the Shohoku basketball team.

I think there must be a lot of people who guess Nagarekawa is handsome and a good basketball player.
I am one of Nagarekawa's guessers, too: ‼️

In this issue, we would like to focus on him, who is always a top favorite in our character polls.

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[Kaede Ryukawa]

Ryukawa entered Shohoku High School after serving as captain of the basketball team at Tomigaoka Junior High School.
Nagarekawa's motive for enrollment is [because] it is close to home.It is.

It is not because I want to play basketball under Anzai-sensei. It's very Nagaregawa-esque!

Incidentally, the ideal of Ryonan's director, Shigekazu Taoka, isUozumi, Sendo, Mitsui, Miyagi, NagaregawaThe stalwart group consisted of five members, but they failed to scout at every turn.

He seems to have a competitive personality, with a spirit of "if you get beat up, beat back. For this reason, he is sometimes called selfish...

He is considered the ace of ShohokuSelected as one of the best 5 and newcomer champion at Kanagawa IH Preliminary RoundThe first time I saw the building, it was being used as a
Let's take a look at his profile as well as his quotes and personality.


  • Position: SF (small forward)
  • Number: 11
  • Grade: 1st grade
  • Height: 187cm
  • Birthday: 1/1
  • Mouthfuls: "You're an idiot!

SF (small forward) is a position where many of the team's acesIt is.
He's an all-rounder who can score inside and outside.

I can cut in and shoot by myself, and I can also shoot from the's the perfect position for Nagaregawa.

Before the practice game against Ryonan, they were given the No. 10 uniform, but Hanamichi forcibly took the No. 10 uniform away from them, so they shifted one by one and became No. 11.


It is written "Nagaregawa" and reads "Lukawa",Toyotama players call me [Nagarekawa].I guess I didn't read it as lukawa.

As for the origin of the name Nagaregawa, according to the author, Mr. Takehiko Inoue, "I thought it would be cool to add "kawa" (river) to the name. I heard that the "la" line is rare, so I thought it would be nice to read it as "ru".He decided on this name because he thought it would be a good choice. Maple has no particular meaning.

My body remembers.

He suffered a concussion from an elbow strike by Toyotama's ace killer Minami Retsu and temporarily left the court.
Then, in the second half after returning to the court with a swollen left eye, Nagarekawa receives the ball from Miyagi and shoots it with no sense of perspective.

That's when Nagaregawa...

My body remembers.

So it doesn't matter if you're blind in one eye or not, just because you've hit millions of shots.

On the free throws that followed, he closed his eyes and made 1 of 2. Trusting the sensations of his own body...
You can't do that, can you? I think that is where the result of my efforts for basketball shows.

total idiot

Speaking of Nagarekawa, "Douhou" is his habitual phrase, but you have the image of him saying it only to Hanamichi, don't you?
It ain't you! There's no such thing as a mole.Douchebag: ‼︎"Such as.

But little by little they are using it for others.

Sighing toward the Hanamichi and MiyagiTwo of them..."
Look at the three of them, including Michi."Three of us are now..."

When I heard that the name of the guy who was better than Sendo was Kitazawa, but found out that it was actually Sawakita.."Kitazawa? Sawakita, isn't it... you idiot?

The term is also used by Mitsui's former delinquent friends Ryu, Kainan's Kiyota, and Toyotama's Minami.

For the flower paths, there is idiotAm I the only one who thinks that this is a good idea?

I will not allow anyone to disturb my sleep, no matter how many... ‼︎

Gori asked me what my hobbies were when I joined the basketball team."Sleeping."Nagarekawa answered that it was.

He was asleep on the rooftop after school when he was awakened by Hotta and others who had called Hanamichi.

The words were also uttered by Nagaregawa when he woke up from sleep and Koike-sensei, angry at Nagaregawa for sleeping during class, angrily packed him up and warned him.

I will not allow anyone to disturb my sleep, no matter how many... ‼︎

Riding a bicycle while sleeping(Please do not do this, it is dangerous. ‼️)Another of Nagarekawa's specialties? It is also one of Nagaregawa's specialties. When he is riding his bicycle, he is usually sleeping. And he is bumping into people and cars.

While doing image training the day before the Toyotama game"I am the best in Japan."He also has Nobita's constitution, which allows him to fall asleep so quickly that he falls asleep when he chants three times, "I'll be back in a few days.
She even overslept and was late on the day of the finals. (According to Ayako)

It's like either playing basketball or sleeping, right?

By the way, the music he listens to when he rides his bike is Western, Prince music.

basket sense

Nagarekawa is from Tomigaoka Junior High School, but he says in his self-introduction that he did not have a specific position in junior high school. He was already quite good when he entered Tomigaoka Junior High School. (According to Ayako).

In a junior high school game.There is an anecdote that when he was marked by three opponents in Nagarekawa, he made four dunks over them. He also scored 51 points by himself in that game.

It's a 5-man team, so if 3 of them are on the mark, the other 2 have to defend the other 4, but Ryukawa makes you want to go that far to stop them... it's amazing. ‼︎

I was told that I could shoot and hit fast, and I could play any position, I could be trusted anywhere...Nagarekawa is trusted by his teammatesIt is.

Of course you have a good sense of basketball, plus you have a lot of hard work.

lack of stamina

The all-mighty Nagaregawa, but suchNagaregawa also has the disadvantage of lack of stamina.

In a practice match against Ryonan, he got a cramp in his leg with only 6 minutes left in the second half, which must have been quite tiring since he had been marking Sendo for almost 40 minutes. (He got up after that when Hanamichi kicked him in the leg.)

Then, in the IH qualifier against Kainan, he made a dunk with less than two minutes left in the second half, and when he fell down and was replaced by Megane-kun and went back to the bench, I was impressed by the way he was shaking slightly in frustration.

In the match against Ryonan, the team had to abandon the first half of the game to preserve their stamina and bet on the second half.

The opponents whom Nagaregawa marks are all said to be good, and it may not be helped if I say it is inevitable, since it will be a great drain on his physical strength....


The rules have changed and basketball is now played in a 10-minute game format consisting of the first and fourth quarters. After the first and second quarters, there is a 15-20 minute halftime, followed by the third and fourth quarters of the second half. There is a 2-minute break between the 1st and 2nd quarters and the 3rd and 4th quarters.

I wonder what Nagarekawa would have done with the current rules - I'm curious.

Rival of Hanamichi Sakuragi?

I have the feeling that Hanamichi Sakuragi thinks of him as a one-sided rival, but I think Nagarekawa actually thinks of Hanamichi as a rival as well.

Since I am one of the people who have been watching Hanamichi's growth up close, I think that part of me approves of Hanamichi's progress and improvement. And he wants him to go higher...

When he and Hanamichi double-teamed Sento to mark him, he said something like advice to Hanamichi. He said, "It's better than losing.

What's with the shrinking? I thought you were supposed to be like me.

Follow me like hell, if you ain't gonna take a shift.

Your screw ups were always included in the calculation... as I said, amateur.

These are just a few, but they are all words that Ryukawa said to Hanamichi.
It is such a word that sometimes inspires, and sometimes is kind.

Kaede Ryukawa SS

I always come to the games to support Nagaregawa."Kaede Ryukawa's SS."

The first time it appeared was during a practice match against Ryonan.
There were three initial members, each wearing a hachimaki with the word RU-KA-WA written on it and a cheerleader outfit with RU-KA-WA written on the chest. (There seem to be many other patterns as well.)

After that, activities continued with three members, but the number of members increased considerably from the next game against Kainan, partly due to Nagarekawa's success in the Kanagawa Prefecture IH qualifying game against Shoyo.

They also rushed to the games with banners and flags that read [Nagaregawa lives].
It is an amazing action of ‼︎ SS to Hiroshima Prefecture where the Inter-High was held.

By the way, this is Nagarekawa's unofficial fan club. That's right...I'm not interested in anything but basketball and sleeping.


This time we have a fan club.[Kaede Ryukawa]The following is a description of the

Nagaregawa is not a basketball genius, but always thinking about how to win,I think he is a [hard worker] who puts in a lot of effort for basketball.

Nagarekawa's head is so full of basketball that there is no room for anything else.

His coolness is also attractive, but the way he devotes himself to one thing shows a passionate heart that is different from his coolness, and I think that gap is also attractive.

There are many more words from Nagarekawa to Hanamichi.
One more time, looking for such words,SLAM DUNKYou may find many more discoveries if you reread the

You can read it over and over again and still enjoy it.SLAM DUNKand enjoy it more than ever in the future. ‼️