Did the Neo-Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon Save the World?

With love."
For those of you who are into Gintama

Overview and Appearance

Neo Arm Strong Cyclone Jet Arm Strong Gun(hereafter referred to as "NAS gun") is a fictional weapon that appears in the popular anime "Gintama. The weapon was created by the main characters Gintoki and Kagura as a snow sculpture at the first Chiki Chiki Kabuki Town Snow Festival. It also appears as a Justanku weapon in episode 57 of the anime.

Its shape, though, is reminiscent of a man's lower body,It is by no means obscene.

Real Background

The name of the NAS cannon is related to an actual cannon called the "Armstrong gun". This Armstrong gun was manufactured by the British, and there is a theory that the Saga Clan also attempted to manufacture one.

Games and Collaboration

The Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon is often featured as an item in Gintama game adaptations. It has also collaborated with games such as White Cat Project and Granblue Fantasy.

Popularity and Impact

The Neo-Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon has attracted many fans because of its unique name and shape; many illustrations and photos of the weapon have been posted on platforms such as pixiv. Also,You're so perfect.We often receive comments that

Variations and Legends

The Neo-Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon is extremely diverse in its form, with winged, sliding, and even humanoid variants. In addition, there are several legends about this weapon. According to a silver-haired samurai, this is "the decisive weapon of the Inui tribe that blew up the keep of Edo Castle and opened Edo to the world. According to the mad nobleman,Also known as "Running Lightning. The infernal weapon that caused the horrific "Fellowship of Fire" during the Balkan wars."It is also said that

Possibility of existence

The Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Gun was originally created by Gintoki and Kagura at a snow sculpture competition and was considered obscene. However, the fact that Madao, Katsura, Sacchan, Omoi, and others know of this weapon points to the possibility that it is real. In fact, this weapon appears in an original episode of the anime.

Media Coverage

The Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong cannon is,Actually produced by elementary school students in Sendai CityThe photos of the program were introduced in the program.

Aside: similar real weapons

There is information that the German company Rheinmetall, in collaboration with the Institute of Acoustic Engineering, has created a suppressor for large gun tests, which is said to look very similar to the NAS gun in appearance.

Neo-Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Gun [Summary].

The NAS cannon is legendary.