I took the liberty of choosing an MS aircraft that I would not want to be assigned as a pilot!

with love

For those of you who love Mobile Suit Gundam

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If I were a pilot in the Gundam world, I think my life would depend a lot on what unit I would be assigned to and what aircraft I would be assigned to pilot.

So this time,I don't want to ride this one.I have selected mobile suits that I think are the best in the world, based on my own judgment and prejudice!

No. 3: I am the turret here!

Yes, the third place goes togun tankIt is!

Mobile suits have already entered the era of bipedal walking, and while some have hovered to enable high-speed movement, the GUN TANK, which still runs on caterpillars, seems anachronistic (sweat).

Although it is cheekily equipped with a core block system, it is basically a double-seated aircraft for the pilot and gunner.The gunner would be sacrificed.I have the contradiction that (tears)

I am here to be a turret! The courage of

A gun tank that became inactive in the battle in the play,I'm here to be a turret!"and Hayato was truly a brave man when he made the decision to detach his upper body and purge Ryu with the core fighter, and remain as an immobile turret in the battlefield!

After Ryu's death, the gun tank was easily changed to a one-seater specification,(If that's the case, you should have made it a one-seater from the start.)It is nothing short of amazing that they immediately adapted to it, and in the TV version, the caterpillar aircraft survived the space battle and fought through the One Year War with it!

I wouldn't want to ride in such an aircraft that I don't know if it is a tank or an MS, but (sweat)

Even if it's a one-seater, it can't be used to escape the core block after all.

No. 2: A moving coffin!

The second place is also called a moving coffin.ballIt is!

(This is another aircraft that I'm not sure if it can be grouped under MS.)

The ball was utilized in mass operations in formation with Jim due to its high productivity, but on the day the notice of the pilot assignment of the ball came,We have no choice but to prepare ourselves for death now.It would not be an exaggeration to say! (Tears)

Why me ball? Why can't I at least be the gym guy anyway! It's not unreasonable to go mildly crazy (sob)!

Some balls that worked?

Some pilots, such as Shiro Amada of the 08th MS Platoon and Io Fleming of the Thunderbolts, showed great performance with the ball, and the ballIt can be useful depending on how you fight.I would say.

The two people mentioned in this example were only temporarily on board, and it is a bit of a stretch to call it a complete victory.

In that sense, the pilot who flies such an unarmed ball must be very prepared....

I'd probably rather ride a ball than a Saberfish or some other fighter!

No. 1: Reused Psycho Devices!

The ball seemed to be the clear winner, but the No. 1 aircraft you don't want to fly is thePsycho ZakuOfficial nameHighly maneuverable Zaku with reusable psycho deviceIt is!

Psycho Zaku is an aircraft based on the highly maneuverable Zaku II, equipped with numerous thrusters and multiple weapons.

It is an excellent machine that can take on a fleet by itself and has even defeated the Full Armor Gundam that raged in the Thunderbolt space.

Is the reason for this a reused psycho device?

Psycho Zaku has aReuse Psycho DeviceHe said,Transmits the pilot's thoughts directly to the aircraft, enabling it to operate as if it were an extension of the pilot's body.It is equipped with an excellent system called

What a great way to use this system,Prosthetic limbs for pilots andIt has to be connected directly to the cockpit! (exhales blood)

The pilot, Darryl Lorenz, originally lost both legs and his left arm in battle.

To bring out the full performance of Psycho Zaku,His last remaining right arm was amputated in agreement with military orders.(vomit vomit)! (vomiting)

No matter how good the aircraft is, it would be unbearable if its limbs were cut off!

Top worst aircrafts

How did you like our ranking of the worst aircraft you don't want to fly?

Although this view reveals some inconsistencies and rough edges, perhaps the key is not so much the aircraft itself, but the determination of the pilots who board it.

Fighting is an act that requires a tremendous amount of determination!

Sad to say, but this is war!