Whitebeard's (Edward-Newgate) ability to destroy the world!

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For you who love One Piece

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Edward Newgate, aka Shirohige, former captain of the Shirohige Pirates, was feared as "the most powerful man in the world" because of his immense power, and he moved many readers with his strong bond with his friends, whom he called "sons" in the Marine Ford Summit War Arc.

Sengoku, who was the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters at that time, said to Whitebeard, "Whitebeard has the power to destroy the world! Senkoku, who was the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters at that time, said to Shirohige.

Does Whitebeard really have the power to destroy the world? I verified it.

What are Whitebeard's abilities?

The devil's fruit that Whitebeard ate was the "wobbly fruit.

The Gulagula fruit is said to have the strongest offensive power among the superhuman (paramysia) demon fruits, and the person who eats the Gulagula fruit becomes an earthquake man and is able to cause vibrations according to his intentions.

Throughout the work, Whitebeard uses his wobbly abilities for various purposes by applying his abilities.

  • Strong vibrations cause huge earthquakes and huge tsunamis.
  • Enhance attack power by imbuing weapons and fists with vibrations.
  • Escape from icy conditions by vibrating the inside of your own body.

As expected of the world's strongest man, he is ridiculously strong and has cool abilities!

Can Whitebeard's ability destroy the world?

So far, we have introduced Whitebeard's abilities.

Can Whitebeard really destroy the world by himself?

The scene considered to be Whitebeard's maximum output is the giant sea quake that occurred at the beginning of the Marine Ford Summit War Arc.

The height of the tsunami caused by this giant sea tremor was so high that it surrounded the naval headquarters from above.

The height of the navy headquarters is described as being bigger than Blackbeard's San Juan Wolf of the Blackbeard pirates.

Since San Juan Wolf's height is officially announced as a maximum of 180 meters, the height of the naval headquarters will be over 185 meters.

Based on these things, the height of the tsunami that Whitebeard caused is likely to be close to 190 meters.

A 190-meter tsunami would be hopeless~!

The highest tsunami currently recorded in recorded history is believed to be 524 meters, which was observed in 1958 in Lituya Bay, U.S.A.

About 2.8 times the tsunami that Graybeard caused.... (-_-;)

Too scary~!

Therefore, based on these facts, it seems that Whitebeard may be able to destroy mankind, but he is not able to destroy the world.

Verification results

As a result of the verification, "destroying the world" may have been an exaggeration.

However, in the scene used for this verification, Whitebeard was 72 years old and ill.

Therefore, it is possible that the power has diminished considerably since its heyday.

That strength is extraordinary, though, even though he is not in his prime!

Perhaps Whitebeard in his younger days could destroy the world.

Finally, I am hopeful that there will be a reappearance of Whitebeard in the recollection scene!